If antibiotics are deemed necessary.
- Support your vet to take samples for diagnosis.
- Topical (ointments, lotions or drops for external use) antibiotics may be appropriate, rather than injections or tablets.
- Only ever use antibiotics prescribed by your vet.
- Follow your vet’s instructions carefully for antibiotic therapy – dosage, frequency and duration of administration.
- Know the weight of your animal(s) for dosage (under-dosing can lead to ineffective treatment and development of AMR).
- Always finish the prescribed course to ensure that infection is eliminated.
- Never share antibiotics with others.
- Only use antibiotics on animals for which they were prescribed.
- Never keep antibiotics past their ‘use by’ date, as their effectiveness will be reduced, which may lead to development of AMR.
- Inform your vet immediately if giving prescribed antibiotics is problematic.
- Summary video.